week one - DONE!!

It was weigh in today... I was nervous.

I had gone over my points for the week. I couldn't see how many activity points I earned. I was feeling pretty out of control. I was trying to stay on track, but as I stated a few posts back, we had parties to go to and food that just could not be avoided. Well, at least I didn't do a good job in avoiding them...

So I held my breathe this morning and stepped onto the scale.

According to my scale at home, I should have had a loss, but that doesn't always coincide with what their scale says.

She said congrats! You lost... 5.8lbs :) hehe

I'm so proud of myself and excited to keep it going! Well, I have to go eat lunch with the kiddos.

I have my goals to keep me going... do you?


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